Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Declares Illegal Immigration ‘Untenable,’ Demands More Resources

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Declares Illegal Immigration ‘Untenable,’ Demands More Resources
Illinois Gov. J.B. Prtizker announces a statewide mandate requiring masks be worn in all Illinois public schools, preschool through high school, in Chicago, Ill., on Aug. 4, 2021. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has written to the White House to warn that the illegal immigration crisis is becoming “untenable” and that the constant flow of people is “overwhelming” the Democrat-controlled state.

In the letter written earlier this week, Mr. Pritzker claims that over 15,000 people have arrived in the state from the southern border over the past 13 months and that the federal government is not providing them with sufficient resources to handle the influx.

“In the 13 months since the first bus of asylum seekers arrived in Illinois from the border, our state has undertaken an unprecedented humanitarian response to the arrival of now over 15,000 people,” he wrote. “Governors and mayors from border states have shipped people to our state like cargo in a dehumanizing attempt to score political points.”

“The people of Illinois are kind and generous,” the letter continues. “We believe in the fundamental right of every human, especially those facing persecution, to find refuge and live with dignity in this great country of ours. But as the numbers being transported to Chicago are accelerating, the humanitarian crisis is overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population.”

“Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government. Most critically, the federal government’s lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois.”

Pritzker goes on to make suggestions as to how the Biden administration can help them deal with the crisis, which he claims is costing their state government $330 million every day and rising.

“There is much more that can and must be done on a federal level to address a national humanitarian crisis that is currently being shouldered by state and local governments without support,” he wrote. “First and foremost, I recommend that there be one person in the federal government who works directly for you in the White House who can lead the oversight of our nation’s efforts at the border.”

“Right now, we have too many different federal department contacts — who are uncoordinated with one another — that handle various programs related to this humanitarian crisis,” he continues. “A single office with an identified leader must be assigned to work for the cities and states across the silos of government to manage the challenges we all face.”

Pritzker goes on to make numerous suggestions to help ease the crisis, including waiving fees for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) applications, an increase in logistical coordination and data collection, additional financial support, accelerated employment authorization and the approval of benefits such as free healthcare and housing support.

When asked about the issue at a press briefing on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jean Karine-Pierre insisted the Biden administration had been “very, very engaged” in their efforts to address the immigration crisis.

“It is an issue that’s incredibly important to — to this President,” she explained. “And that’s how we’re going to continue to move forward, have those engagements, have those conversations, and figure out what ways the federal government can help them on the ground.”

Residents of Chicago, one of the biggest Democratic strongholds in the country who voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden, have also taken out their frustration with local politicians over the issue of mass immigration. Just this week, residents expressed their fury at plans to kick out a youth football team from their sports field to make space for a migrant camp.

“We’re going to sue the bosses and sue the Democrats as civilians, because they’re supposed to represent the people they voted for,” one protester was quoted as saying. ‘Don’t let the Democrats have their stupid convention here. Enough is enough. All I see is the citizens of Chicago marching to their death chambers.”

However, the city’s left-wing Mayor Brandon Johnson continues to demand additional federal funds to handle the migration flow rather than cutting it off at its source.

“This is a growing crisis, not only for the city of Chicago but for the entire globe,” he said at a meeting this week. “The population shift that we are experiencing as the result of the failure of federal policies is now impacting the people of Chicago in a very dramatic way.”

Others sounding the alarm about the threat posed by illegal immigration is New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who recently warned that it would “destroy” the city if it were not dealt with. However, he has also stopped short of demanding that people be prevented from entering the country altogether.

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to—I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said at a town hall meeting last month. “This issue will destroy New York City.”

Benjamin Kew is a contributor to The Epoch Times. He has previously worked at Breitbart, RedState, and The Spectator, covering everything from Hollywood to Latin America.
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